Aug 26, 2010

Peach Galettes

I have mixed feelings each time the summer gives way to the monsoons in Delhi. There is always a feeling of incredible joy at the respite from the killing heat. At the same time, I know that it means the end of gorgeous stone fruit like plums, peaches, apricots, and cherries. I had hoped to make more fruit desserts over the summer, but would end up eating most of the fruit before I could manage to make something with it....every time! Fortunately, with my last batch of peaches, I made some peach galettes the very day I bought them.

I was so glad I made these before peaches disappeared from the market. Just loved the tart-sweet taste of the peaches. And this is one recipe that doesn't requite much sugar either! Though most galettes have an egg-filling, or some cornstarch to hold the peaches together, I kept mine simple. This is such an easy dessert to make that you don't really need to follow a recipe! All you need is two main ingredients - some pastry dough (recipe here) and some peaches, peeled and sliced. Add to that some cinnamon, brown sugar, and butter....and you're all set!

Pre-heat the oven to 180 C. 

Roll out a small amount of dough into a circle (about 6-7 inches). Place it on a silver-foil or parchment-paper lined baking tray. Sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon and 1/2 tablespoon sugar onto it. Arrange the peaces slices in a circle, leaving an outer edge of about an inch. Repeat the sprinkling on top, using the same amount of cinnamon and sugar. (I used a mix of brown and regular sugar. Feel free to use whichever you prefer).

Go on and fold the outer edge of the dough onto the peaches. You can be as un-even as you want. That's the beauty of free-form don't need to worry about symmetry! You want to keep it rustic! 

Dot the peaches with some butter. Brush the exposed pie dough with some egg-wash. If you don't eat eggs, like me, just brush it with some more butter. Bake at 180 C for 15-20 minutes, until the edges start turning brown.

Enjoy with some whipped cream or vanilla ice-cream!

© Veggie Wiz | All rights reserved unless otherwise indicated



  1. This is just gorgeous! I'm so envious--we don't have fresh peaches here in the Philippines

  2. Rustic and absolutely delicious. I'm missing the stone fruit season already. These are just my kinda dessert!

  3. Thanks Deeba! I'm sure it's right up ur alley. The stone fruit desserts u made over the summer were truly inspiring! :)

  4. Beautiful galettes. You're lucky to still have peaches. I wish I had some left!!

  5. Thx Avanika! No more peaches for us as well....these are from a few weeks back....just got around to posting it now! :)

  6. Wow that is beautiful!!!

    Great blog; happy I found you!

    Mary xo
    Delightful Bitefuls
